1-2-3 Acupuncture and Health Center, based in Los Altos - the heart of Silicon Valley, provides acupuncture, Tui-Na (acupressure, Chinese massage therapy), herbal medicine, and other Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) services in the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California. The licensed acupuncturist and certified massage therapist in the clinic are well educated and trained in Beijing and Guangzhou of China, with more than thirty years of clinical experience. They have extensive experience in treating various pain and numbness (neck, shoulder, upper back, lower back, arm, wrist, hand, hip, thigh, leg, knee, ankle, foot, joint), and other disorders such as allergy, anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, stress, infertility, migraine headache, addiction, tennis elbow, golf elbow, women's problems, etc..
- Open Monday to Friday: 9 am to 6 pm, Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm
- Insurance, Worker's Comp and Auto Accident accepted.
- Free initial check up & consultation.
We have two offices. Please find the one more convenient for you:
4666 El Camino Real, Los Altos, CA 94022
Telephone: (650) 949-2339
3700 Thomas Road, Suite 215, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Telephone: (408) 727-1227
Walk-Ins are welcome.
Surrounding areas: Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos Hills, Menlo Park, Woodside, Atherton, Sunnyvale, Redwood City, Cupertino, Santa Clara, San Jose, Campbell, Saratoga, Los Gatos, San Carlos, Belmont, San Mateo, Burlingame, Millbrae, San Bruno, Daly City, San Francisco, Milpitas, Newark, Fremont, Union City, Hayward, Castro Valley, San Lorenzo, San Leandro, Alameda, Oakland, Pleasanton, Dublin, San Ramon, Danville, etc.